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Sunday, April 22, 2012

My Walk... and Other Thoughts

As she slowly walked, a gentle breeze riffled through her hair... catching her clear tinkling laugh, tossing it in the air. Looking at her you would see that she was walking with someone, a special friend from the looks of it. She was walking hand in hand with him, and her face portrayed feelings of pure undiluted joy. They continued walking, talking and enjoying their time together. It was so obvious that with each word, with each step she was falling deeper in love with him. He was her king, the king of her heart. He had captured her attention, her heart, her mind. He was her sole focus. She was his princess... She too had captured his love. His Love. She was His princess. He was her King.
      I like to think of this as my relationship with God the Father. Is He your King? Is He your sole focus... Does He capture the beat of your soul? I find (unsurprisingly) that when I am walking with my Saviour, beside Him, getting to know Him; when I am learning to know Him, when He is knowing me, that is when my joy is whole. What a wonderful life to live. Yes, it is a way of life. No, it is not always easy. The Bible says that I as a Christian am part of the Bride of Christ. Think of it this way, when I deliberately sin, when I deliberately encroach, when I deliberately try to take advantage of His Love, His Mercy, is it not spiritual adultery? Do I take it that seriously? Is my walk with Christ my Focus, is it a way of life? Or, is my Jesus that I turn to only when I am in trouble? When I am in need of help, when my life is looking dark, is that when I 'take advantage' of my Amazing God? The only way, I have learned, to have a successful relationship with my King, is that I must walk with Him, daily. The only way I can ever learn to know a friend is to talk to them often, to interact with them. Surely it is the same with our Friend. I feel like this post is as much for me, something I need to and have been thinking about.I hope this can further inspire someone. This Is  My resolve: To get to know my Best Friend, to let my Best Friend know me. 


  1. Lovely!!!!!!!! ;)
    I want this with you, To know Him more than I ever could have imagined.<3

  2. Yes... I definitely agree with you!!

  3. very inspiring!...i want that for myself as well...lately ive wondered why we have so many names for God...and ive come to realize that its because He can come to us in all those different ways...He can be our Loving Father when we are feeling insecure...or He can be our Best Friend when we are feeling lonely...


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