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Thursday, December 1, 2011

...The Reason...

     We hear about it all the time. We read about it, yet how much do we actually think about it? Taking Christ out of Christmas. This year as December approached a few of my friends and I were talking about Christmas, what we liked about it, and so on. Caroling, being with friends all the time, gift giving, you get the picture. But, thinking back, we left out the most important part. We left out the essence of Christmas. Not one did "the reason for the season" get brought up! Jesus Christ, the True Reason. That really got me thinking! Surely I / You / We are not scared to talk about it?! OR-  Is it because it actually slips our minds? My friends and I are Christians. Jesus is the central theme of my life so I say, but do I actually get so caught up with the rush, with the activities, the "hustle and bustle" of the season, so to speak, that i forget about the most important part?    
     Please, don't get me wrong. I love everything that comes with it, and I should. I do not think God requires that I not look forward to the activities etc. Its just, well... how about let's not let our focus get off..... the Reason. 


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