Hi there, and welcome to my blog! This is an outlet for my thoughts, randum ideas, strange things... etc. and hey! your comments are much appreciated! :)

Thursday, June 21, 2012

New Look... plus I need Help!!!!

Lol ok that's obviously a strange title. But yes, observe the obvious! New look, all around! YAY! And guess what else?! I definitely like this look only 100 times better than the way it was before! Yes I want your input. I am going to be so bold as to demand your input lol. Yes. If you, in anyway shape or form read this post I hereby obligate you to please leave a comment  and tell answer the following questions. #1. Do you like the new look better? #2. Do you have any suggestions in any changes I should make? etc. I want to know if the colors or fonts are hard to read etc. or just help. I am not very good at this you see. :) Oh plus, I would like to create a button. And I have no idea how to go about.... help anyone?
     Plus I need more Help!!!!
And this comes in the way of Blogging. I am uninspired, rather, with things to Blog about. Yes but no! Somehow inspiration always ALWAYS hits at the most inconvenient times. Sad story. And than I can never quite get my thoughts down as they should which results in a half written post with lame cliche phrases etc. Is it just me, or do I sense a Uninspirational virus penetrating the world of blog? Lol... ok so I just happen to see here and there my dear bloggy friends saying "I'm uninspired" "help meeee" heheh. I am one of those. Oh yes I love blogging... Maybe I just do need help. So I also want you to tell me... YES YOU lol... what can I write/post to make this more interesting?! Or is it a lost cause? I rather hope not. No you are not under obligation to help me here but it is much appreciated. Thanks you! More shall come! Once again! I do now beg, beg, beg you for feedback! Hear Hear!!!!
adios amigos.... :)


  1. I like your background. And the font is very cute. When I was trying to make a button I found this: http://betweennapsontheporch.net/how-to-make-a-blog-button-with-grab-box-code-underneath-for-your-sidebar/
    very helpful.
    I also had a sister that had already made a button and could help me when I was too dumb to figure it out. :-) I hope that is helpful! <3

  2. I spent several days looking up blog button tutorials on the internet, and I thought that this one was the easiest:


    You can always use google to find ideas for posts. Sometimes the results are pretty cheesy, but you never know . . . it might help! :)

  3. I love, love, love the background! I've admired it before.... & as for the how easy things are to read... the title would be the hardest but its not bad! inspiration.... umm I just post when it inspiration hits or when I have the time & its convenient! so sadly I don't have help for you on this topic;)

  4. like it gal...=)...you're gonna have to leave feedback on mine too if i leave it on yours....smile...


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