Hi there, and welcome to my blog! This is an outlet for my thoughts, randum ideas, strange things... etc. and hey! your comments are much appreciated! :)

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Happy Birthdayyyyy!!!!!!!

Happy Birthday to you,
happy birthday to you,
happy birthday dear bloggy!!!!!
happy birthday to you.

With a flourish the candles are blown out and the clapping begins. yes we are celebrating a few days off. The actual 1st Blogoversery/ birthday for bloggy was on the 12th. But we celebrate today. :) Lovely. Blogs are fun eh? In this last year there are...... 46 posts... or something like that. Nice. but. there should be more. Next year..... there WILL be more :) with these thoughts, happy birthday!!!! :)

And here.... are some of my favorite posts of the year. If you wish to check them out that is all grand and wonderful... :)

this post still means a lot to me. I can still feel how i felt at that moment. and if i may say so myself.... i think its one of my better :)

i loves them fireflies :)

i guess this post always cracks me up... :)

annnd thats my three favorite... what were your favorite posts of the year? let me know :) later dear people!!!!!!!!


  1. That post "Disturbing" was the 1st one I read when I found your blog several months ago and I was impressed! My brain occasionally torments me with random thoughts like that too. So funny to read about somebody else's strange thought patterns:)

  2. i like the surrendering one...it reminds me of myself...=) keep it up!!


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