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Friday, October 14, 2011

It's all in the perspective

     The other day at work i was thinking about fall. Now personally i dont really have a great love for fall... or i should say didn't have. But than i got to thinking that, you know what? God made fall! He made this season for a purpose, and its in His perfect plan, so really i shouldn't complain! And i should enjoy what he made right? So i started thinking of things that i like about it! Like thanksgiving! and those days that i go outside and it just smells so good, its that "autumn" smell, you know? gorgeous blue skies. taking walks on wonderfully cool days. I stay cool at work. I get to hear the canadian geese honking as they migrate! Beautiful leaves, that show God's awesome handiwork in a spectacular way! etc. etc. etc. the list goes on and on! And guess what! I like fall! :)

    So i began thinking down the line of positive thinking, and how because i changed my perspective, my opinions changed. It's all in the perspective! :) Why don't you try it? Cause life is a lot more enjoyable I've noticed when you take a look at the positive side of things! Sure there are things that aren't so wonderful about fall, like the itchy worms, and allergies, etc but when you look at the good, the bad almost disappears! In nearly everything in life there is something good! Mind you i said nearly, there are those things that really don't have any good in them, but we'll leave that where it is. So why don't you try it? After all, it's all in the perspective...

1 comment:

  1. I AM so glad you have learned to enjoy the autumn season! it is totally my favorite time of year~


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